A downloadable tournament module

A scan of the Madeera Valley Community College Wargames Club Fantasy Tournament from 1984, titled "Temple of the Green Devil."

In the heart of a forbidden jungle veiled by steam, the ruins of an occult temple lie strangled by vines. The weathered stones bear no sign of the temple’s god or its worshipers, and their relics have long since disintegrated.

However, an eclipse now darkens the jungle, weakening the barrier between the land of the living and the realm of the dead. Chants rise from the reformed temple, luring in adventurers who seek the lost treasures of the Green Devil and his priestess...

This head-to-head tournament module is a draft and has not yet been edited or playtested.

The Madeera Valley Community College Wargames Club is a series of modules from an imaginary timeline where Shadowdark was released in 1983 rather than 2023. Each module is designed to evoke nostalgia for the days of head-to-head tournaments held at local colleges, hobby shops, and libraries.


Temple of the Green Devil v0.5 (Retro PDF) 21 MB
Temple of the Green Devil v0.5 (Printer-Friendly PDF) 2 MB
Temple Map (Keyed) 1 MB
Temple Map (Unkeyed) 997 kB
Partial Temple Map Handout 362 kB