A downloadable supplement

Fighter followers are an abstract, limited-use resource designed to represent a fighter’s infamous deeds attracting those who would seek to aid her in her exploits.

Rather than manage individual NPCs that journey alongside the fighter in a dungeon, the followers in this document grant the fighter 1/day abilities that can be used to turn a situation to her advantage.

Followers are intended to give fighters a few more options when exploring and battling. They are also intended to be a low-overhead way to help fighters feel more like sword-and-sorcery heroes, who attract sidekicks (some noble, most not) on their journeys for gold and glory.

Use these optional rules as a minimally disruptive way to model hirelings and henchmen in your Shadowdark RPG adventures.

This document is a draft and has not yet been edited or playtested.


Fighter Followers v0.1 (PDF) 570 kB